Monday, April 1, 2013


Dear Praying Friends,                                                                                                       

Last month I took a trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo that culminated in the salvation of a captain in the Mai Mai rebel army.  I understand that the miracle of salvation is the greatest event in anyone’s life and everyone’s soul is equally precious to God, but having a part in this man coming to the Lord is without a doubt a highlight of my Christian life.  It is a privilege beyond measure to team up with our national men and take the gospel to the REGIONS BEYOND.  I have written in detail concerning the salvation of this rebel leader in our blog  I encourage you to take a few moments to read the February 24th entry and remember to pray for our men serving in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

On July 9, 2011, South Sudan became the newest nation in the world after a referendum that passed with 98.83% of the vote.  After decades of war with the northern part of the country, millions killed, and millions more displaced there is now hope.  In spite of the hope of freedom from war, we know that REAL HOPE will only come through the Lord Jesus Christ.  During the last few years God has given the Grace Bible Baptist Church a burden and call to take the gospel to South Sudan.  We have nearly forty Sudanese students in our school, we have seen a number of them saved, and some join the church.  We have been able to establish a relationship with them that has increased our desire to get the gospel to their country.  One of our families, the Peter Kosgei family, has answered God’s call and has surrendered to go to South Sudan as missionaries.  Brother Kosgei has been receiving additional training for the last year as a missionary intern, and has spent much time in Congo learning how to serve in another culture.  In early May Pastor Oloo, brother Kosgei, and I will be taking a survey trip to South Sudan in order to begin the process of sending the Kosgei family to one of the neediest countries in the world.  This will be the newest country served by GRACE TO THE REGIONS BEYOND.

Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto have been elected as President and Vice President of Kenya.  The election results were challenged in the Supreme Court and validated as free and fair.  We praise the Lord that for the most part peace prevailed throughout the country with trouble only being reported in isolated instances. However, it is a matter of concern that the new president and vice-president were elected in spite of being indicted by the International Court for crimes against humanity.  They have been accused of rape, murder, and being the masterminds behind the chaos in the last election.  They were successful in joining forces and further dividing the country along tribal lines in order to be elected.  Their cases are due to begin next month and the fear is that at some point they will no longer cooperate with the court, which would then in turn make it very difficult for the Kenyan people because of the real threat of economic sanctions.  The fact that Kenya would elect such men as their leaders shows the spiritual depravity and need for the gospel in this country.  Please keep this a matter of prayer as in the future it could bring problems.

His for Kenya and the Regions Beyond,

The Mickey Family

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