Friday, February 8, 2013

Upcoming March 4th Election

On Monday March 4th Kenya will hold their presidential election.  Five years ago during the last election, Kenya experienced unprecedented violence that almost tore the country in two.  Thousands of people were slaughtered, tens of thousands injured, and over five hundred thousand were displaced.  Today there are still nearly one hundred thousand people living in displacement camps from the last election.

Nakuru, where we live, was one of the epicenters of violence.  Some of the dearest people in the world to us were hunted down like animals because of their tribal identity.  Many lost all their earthly belongings, barely escaping with their lives.  

Through it all God was good, providing miracle after miracle, protecting the church, providing food, shelter and a new start when the violence ended.  Thousands all over the world prayed for us and the people of Kenya.  Through God’s people food, clothing, and medicine were provided for hundreds of people, until a new start in life could begin again.

Out of the ashes of destruction God matured a church, a people to go onward and forward for Him.  He called them out for a special task, sending them into some of the more difficult places in East and Central Africa (Congo, Burundi and Southern Sudan).  God only could turn such a terrible thing into such a wonderful thing.

We are not expecting the election to turn as violent as the last one but certainly the possibility exists.  Tension is high in some parts of the country.  Many are reverting back to their tribal identity, which often results in putting tribe above everything else.

We ask that you pray for us, the churches in Kenya, and all the Kenyan people. Please take some time over the next month and pray earnestly for peace during this election time.  We will be sure to keep you updated so that you can pray more effectively.

Also, I will be leaving in the morning for Congo and will be gone a little more than a week.  I will be doing some traveling within Congo, which is always a challenge.  Much of the area where I will be traveling is rebel controlled area.  They are not causing too much trouble at this time, but things have the potential to flare up quickly.

I will meet up with Pastor Oloo and Pastor Mike who are in Congo at this time.  Please pray for us and for our families, whom remain behind in Kenya.

I will plan to send an update on the Kenyan election and Congo trip when I return to Kenya.

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