Friday, February 17, 2017


 On Sunday the 29th of January we held the first service of the Habari Njema (Good News) Baptist Church of Kilgoris town.  The beginning of this church was a direct answer to prayer, a prayer that was first offered in 2001, when I knelt with Pastor John Nkome in Kilgoris town asking God to allow a church to be started in this important area that lies in the midst of Maasai country.
The first service saw 144 people in attendance, 38 adults and 106 children. This does not include the 22 people from the Grace Bible Baptist Church, or the 19 people with Truth For Today Medical Missions who were also present for the first service. I had great liberty in preaching and at the invitation time 11 Maasai adults responded to the need  for salvation.  I could not have been more pleased with how things went and I can truly say it was one of the best first service for a new church that we have had.
Pastor John Nkome will be sending several men from his church each week to help Pastor Wilson Ampani during the early foundational period of the church.  We will also from time to time be sending some men from Nakuru to help out.
That week we also hosted the Truth For Today Medical Team led by Dr. Greg Waller.  Dr. Waller is a former missionary to Guyana and understands the way to use medical missions to help to the local churches on the mission field.  This is the third time we were able to host them and look forward to doing it again as they plan to make a yearly visit to Kenya.
During the six days of the medical clinics, the team of medical and vision personal saw over 3,000 patients.  Each patient after being seen by a doctor, was brought to a soul winner who took the Bible and carefully showed them the way of salvation. The response was great and many received Christ.  It was a thrill to my soul to see an army of soul winners trained by the Grace Bible Baptist Church sitting nine hours a day carefully sharing the gospel with people who have had little exposure to the true gospel.
Please keep this new church in prayer as we look forward to it being a strong lighthouse for God among the Maasai community.

Hands raised expressing need for salvation at the first service
Pastor Wilson leading the singing

Djuma(from our church in Congo) leading a Maasai to the Lord

Children's service

Pastors Oloo, Mickey, Nkome and Wilson